⇒ Review HP
WAM TV(イギリスのNET TV) チャート1位獲得
Death of a Samurai, a slightly bonkers Kill Bill-style samurai adventure performed by a harum scarum bunch of young performers to Japanese pop music.
(Death of a Samuraiはジャパニーズポップにのせた、はちゃめちゃな若いパフォーマーによる狂気のキル・ビル・スタイル、サムライ活劇といったところか)
By The Scotsman(Newspaper)
There is never a dull moment as the youthful multi-talented Afro 13 Company of Japan hurl themselves around the stage with disciplined abandon.
By The Stage Online(Net Review Site)
It is impossible not to like them and be attracted by their sheer energy.
but who cares when there is this much fun to be had?
By Three Weeks(Newspaper)
just so superbly brilliant that it instantly transcends any cultural barriers.
By fest(Newspaper)
A definite must see show for all ages and persuasions.
By ForthONE(U.K. Radio Station)
if Afro 13 are back next year theirs will be one of the first shows I book!
By Julie(Fringe Audience)